America’s Nursing Crisis
January 25, 2024

For more insight into the nursing crisis, visit the following pages:
The American Association of Colleges of Nursing (AACN): Nursing Shortage Fast Facts
2023 NSI National Health Care Retention & RN Staffing Report Nursing Shortage May Be Worse By State Than Projected
91% of nurses believe the nursing shortage is getting worse, and 79% report that their units are inadequately staffed
Nurses are doing better than in 2021, but they're still reporting high levels of burnout, mental health suffering, and lack of support
39% of nurses feel dissatisfied with their current job, but this varied based on education level and specialty
55% of nurses saw a pay increase in the past year; however, 75% of nurses still feel underpaid
The U.S. Nursing Shortage: A State-by-State Breakdown
AARP Home and Community Preferences Survey
77% of Americans over the age of 50 would prefer to remain in their current home rather than move in with family, to a nursing home, or to an assisted living facility
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