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healthcare workers
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Testimonials are provided by real customers. No compensation or incentives were given in exchange for their feedback.
Subject to approval and standard underwriting criteria. Applications are for loans offered, made by, decisioned and owned by FinWise Bank, a Utah chartered bank. Terms and conditions are subject to change without prior disclosure or notice. Because Plannery, Inc services FinWise Bank installment loans, please contact Plannery, Inc regarding any questions about your FinWise Bank installment loan. Click here to contact us.
Banking services associated with our services are provided by Emprise Bank, Member FDIC. Your transactions will be processed through an FBO account held by Emprise Bank for the benefit of our customers. We will provide you a monthly summary statement that describes your transactions. Your deposit balances held at Emprise Bank are insured by the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC) for up to the legal limit (currently $250,000 for each category of legal ownership). Emprise Bank supports the program in accordance with applicable law.
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